Hey folks, I should have our next review posted within 48 hours, but I realized I haven’t shared some of the recent podcasts I’ve done recently.
My first appearance was with my friend Brett Cain, who runs the Ironside Podcast. He’s a very good guy, an author himself, and I plan to review one of his books soon. A mystery and action series he writes that is in a similar vein to Lee Child’s Jack Reacher novels. We talked about publishing and writing, and I talked a lot about my own background and upbringing. Brett is a devout Christian and father, and recently had his relationship with his publisher severed over political views. This is ridiculous, because Brett is a positive guy who doesn’t even use profanity, much less say anything particularly controversal. He’s as wholesome as they come. He can be found on twitter at @BrettWCain
I’ve also gone on with Braxton McCoy over on his show. Braxton is a great guy, a veteran of the Iraq war who was seriously injured in Ramadi by a suicide bomb in a crowd he was providing security for. He’s a rancher and dad now, and a wonderful guy. We discussed family, fatherhood, and our mutual service in the US Military. Braxton can be found on Twitter at @braxton_mccoy
Last night I went on with Dave Martel from the Bizarchives, they’re an independent publisher started when Dave lost his job at the start of COVID. Now his business is in the top ten percent of publishers by sales volume! The man is singlehandedly bringing back pulp horror and sci-fi in the vein of days gone by. We had a lengthy conversation about underground publishing and how political patronage of the arts works. Dave is on Twitter at @thebizarchives and on YouTube here.
I really appreciate all of the newcomers here due to my debut article in the Federalist. We’ve got so many great books lined up and I’ve developed some relationships with really great publishers like Baen Books, Regnery Publishing, The Bizarchives, Antelope Hill, and Pilum Press. And as always, I’ll try to stay on top of developing relationships with self-published authors from within our sphere. There is so much creativity and imagination out there, toiling in obscurity, and I can’t wait to find and share it with you.
I posted this on your Bullfrog Review post from july, not realizing it was an older post. I'm now subscribed and eager to learn more.
I'm here via Jay Rollins weekly review. These are two fiction pieces I posted recently. I'm also finishing up my first novel, a post-apocalyptic farce, and I've been hoping for a sign of possible publishers to contact. I will be looking more into your site. It is encouraging.
Keep it up. The indy scene needs great critics, reviewers, interviewers, and archivists, along with writers. Every page like yours improves the community.