If I'm lucky, I can contribute to more wastage at my local supermarket which I can then convince them to give me at the end of the week to feed my hogs, and actually hit the equation at BOTH ends.

So glad I found this stack.

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To be clear, I mean wastage of non-food garbage products to contribute to financial injury of my enemies, not actual, healthy food.

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trans-meat I call it

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Great observations and CTA.

Fake meat products often end up in the Reduced to Clear area, which is a relief.

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Destroying shit for having the wrong tribe-membership is BLM-protestor tier retardation.

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Yeah, the fuzzy line between protests and riots is basically the line between verbal and physical resistance. This is just over the line into physical resistance. Not a riot, since nothing is actually a binary yes/no in this world, but certainly the water will be shed in that direction.

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Ehhh, you're on the wrong track here. I'm all about not letting China sell us their crap while they buy up all of our good stuff, but Beyond Meat is actually good stuff if you've chosen not to eat animals anymore. It's tasty and a pretty decent replacement for meat in burgers and tacos. It's _not_ meat, you shouldn't expect it to _be_ meat, but it takes the place of meat. It's like you were talking to Kate for a while but she got up and Susan sat down and you struck up a new conversation with her and she's just as interesting as Kate was even if she has totally different opinions. Also IIRC Beyond Meat keeps pretty well as long as the package remains sealed, so your idea wouldn't work. Also, think about it, you're promoting vandalism. That's an antisocial activity—antisocial, as in antisocial personality disorder. You probably think you're sticking it to the big corpos but most of the bother will be felt by the people doing the stocking or the people who actually wanted some of the product but it's hidden behind the Corn Flakes. Let's not do that.

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Nickels cost more than $0.05. I pay in cash whenever possible and save all my nickels. H/T: https://survivalblog.com/nickels/

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